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Tag Archives: smoking

Several factors can lead to a high heart rate

Several factors can lead to a high heart rate Symptoms of Tachycardia Tachycardia may not always show symptoms, but when it does, they can include: Having a consistently high heart rate can be dangerous, leading to loss of consciousness or even attack. When left untreated,

Inhaling PM 2.5 is equivalent to smoking two cigarettes!

Inhaling PM 2.5 is equivalent to smoking two cigarettes! Inhaling PM2.5 is no small matter. It can be compared to smoking two cigarettes! Let’s understand the health effects and how to protect yourself from this air pollution! Understanding PM2.5 PM2.5 refers to fine particulate matter

Otitis media symptoms, causes, and treatment

Otitis media is an infection that causes inflammation of the inner ear. It can cause dizziness, vertigo, loss of balance, and hearing loss, which can affect your daily life. Therefore, knowing the causes, treatment, and prevention can help you cope with potential health problems. Definition

7 defense techniques “Indigestion”

the older The more you pay attention to health , especially food. because it may result in symptoms “Indigestion” is a symptom that can occur either while we are eating or after eating. It can happen to all genders and ages. It is found in adults and the elderly. When the symptoms occur,