White blood cells count is high or low than normal, how dangerous is it or is it cancer?

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Get to know white blood cells, the body’s immune system cells. But if there are too many or too few, it is dangerous. It can cause severe symptoms. Reveal the condition of high or low white blood cells. Check the danger signs and treatment methods.

White blood cells are cells of the immune system that protect the body from both pathogens and foreign substances. There are many types of them and they can be found throughout the body, including in the blood and lymphatic system. They all develop from the bone marrow. Normally, people have a total of all types of white blood cells, which is about 4,500-10,000 cells per 1 cubic millimeter of blood. The number of white blood cells in the blood is often used as an indicator of disease and various abnormalities, ทางเข้า https://ufabet999.app such as leukemia (cancer of the blood).

Patients with a higher than normal number of white blood cells or those with a low white blood cell count, which is much lower than normal, are at higher risk of infection.

Elevated white blood cell count

This condition can be caused by the body’s reaction to a foreign substance, infection, or virus, or a reaction to taking certain medications, among other things. High white blood cell counts may go away on their own, but if it’s caused by an underlying health problem, the symptoms can be severe.

If the white blood cell count is higher than 100,000 cells per cubic millimeter of blood, it may cause the blood to thicken and not circulate well to the organs. This makes the organs not work at their full potential and there is a chance of heart and brain ischemia, which can be life-threatening. Therefore, if you experience any abnormal symptoms or they start to get worse, you should see a doctor immediately because that may be a sign of a more serious illness that should be treated urgently.

Generally, high white blood cell counts do not have obvious symptoms. What you can notice is some abnormalities in the body that may be a sign of a disease that results in high white blood cell counts. Therefore, you should see a doctor if you have a high fever, easy bleeding or unexplained bruising, feel unusually tired or weak, dizzy, or feel like you are going to faint, because these symptoms may be a sign of a serious underlying disease.

Treatment of high white blood cell count

In cases where a patient has a high white blood cell count but it is not due to a dangerous cause, treatment to reduce the white blood cell count may not be necessary. However, if the white blood cell count is very high, the doctor will treat by focusing on treating the cause of the high white blood cell count. However, if the patient has a critically high white blood cell count, the doctor will consider using a plasma transfusion method to reduce the white blood cell count, which is the fastest way to reduce the white blood cell count. It is often used in cases where the patient’s white blood cell count is so high that it is dangerous to their health. The plasma used for the transfusion is obtained from a donation after the recipient and donor are tested for compatibility.


It is a condition in which the number of white blood cells in the blood is lower than normal, which can occur from many causes. Symptoms of low white blood cells usually do not show obvious symptoms. However, some patients will experience side effects from the reduced white blood cell count, especially those who have low white blood cell count due to infection. Symptoms that appear include fever, chills, swelling, mouth sores, red or white patches inside the mouth, sore throat, severe coughing or rapid breathing, pain or burning sensation while urinating, urine that comes out has a foul smell, diarrhea, etc.

In addition, there may be other symptoms that are signs of the disease. Patients should observe for any abnormalities in the body. If the symptoms become more severe or do not show any signs of improvement, patients should see a doctor as soon as possible for their own safety.

Causes of low white blood cell count

Low white blood cell count can be caused by many factors. It may be caused by abnormalities of the source of white blood cells, which is the bone marrow, abnormalities that have been present since birth, cancer, or caused by the destruction of a large number of white blood cells due to a viral infection. Because when there is a severe infection, the white blood cells have to work hard to fight the germs, causing the white blood cell count to decrease rapidly. If you feel that you have abnormal symptoms, you should see a doctor for a detailed examination. The doctor may take a bone marrow biopsy to find the cause of the low white blood cell count.

Treatment of low white blood cell count

If the neutropenia is not severe, it may go away on its own without treatment. However, if the symptoms are severe, urgent treatment is required based on the cause. The most popular treatment methods for patients with neutropenia include:

  • Drug use: The drug that doctors often use is Colony Stimulating Factor (CSF), a substance that helps the bone marrow to produce more blood cells, resulting in higher white blood cell levels. It is often used in cancer patients who are undergoing chemotherapy or radiation therapy.
  • Antibiotics: If a patient has an extremely low white blood cell count, antibiotics may be necessary, as the patient is more susceptible to infection. Antiviral or antimicrobial medications may also be used to prevent further infections.

If the patient is undergoing cancer treatment and has low white blood cell levels, the doctor may order a delay in treatment or reduce the dose of the medication used in the treatment in order to allow the white blood cell level to return to normal as soon as possible to prevent the cancer from becoming more severe or having unwanted complications. In addition, during treatment, the patient must take care of their health and protect themselves from the risk of infection because if an infection occurs while the white blood cell level is low, the symptoms will be more severe.