Hormonal Causes of Hair Loss

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Hormonal Causes of Hair Loss

Hormones are chemical messengers that control every organ in the body, so when changes in these hormone levels occur, certain health disorders can arise. Medical researchers have found that fluctuating levels of hormones

Especially estrogen and testosterone, make women more susceptible to experiencing hair loss at certain points of their reproductive life.

While androgenic alopecia is directly linked to an excessive amount of testosterone in a woman’s body, the hormonal causes of telogen effluvium are linked ทางเข้า ufabet https://ufabet999.app mostly to estrogen and progesterone levels. Low levels of estrogen or sharp fluctuations between estrogen and progesterone. Can push hair follicles into telogen phase (or resting phase) prematurely, and to start falling one or two months later. Hence the reason why more women experience hair loss during times of significant hormonal imbalance – puberty, PMS, menstruation, pregnancy, postpartum, and menopause.

Furthermore, there are also specific hormonal causes and typical environmental factors. Which can explain the occurrence of hair loss according to the stage of a women’s reproductive life. Which this disorder appears, such as around PMS and during puberty, pregnancy, post-partum, and menopause.

The significant hormonal changes. That take place during a woman’s reproductive life (from puberty to menopause, including pregnancy and the post-partum period). Especially the balance between testosterone and estrogen, are one of the most common hidden imbalances behind female hair loss. It is important then to see hair health as a mirror of the body’s overall health. Since many types of hormonal imbalance behind alopecia can eventually cause deeper health issues.

Understanding the Hair Growth Cycle

In order to understand the different types of hair loss. That can present themselves in women, it is necessary to know first how the hair growth cycle works. How it changes from growing to resting or shedding. The hair growth cycle consists of three phases:

  • Anagen phase is the growing stage, and it lasts from 2 to 8 years
  • Catagen phase is a transitional stage, that sees the hair follicle shrink and lasts 2 weeks to a month
  • Telogen phase is a resting period, where the hair stops growing completely. Normally, it lasts around 3 months. Once telogen phase is over, the old strand of hair will be pushed from the follicle by a new one.

Under normal circumstances no more than 15% of the total scalp hair is undergoing telogen phase at any given time. This is why everybody loses approximately 150 hairs every day. This should not be a cause of concern.

Identifying Hair Loss

There are several ways and patterns for female alopecia to present itself. Each one of them may have different causes or possible treatments.

In order to understand the processes behind hair loss. Continue on to the next section to read more about their hormonal and non-hormonal causes.